Sunday, 3 January 2016

Kingdom of heaven : Parable of the mustard seed, Parable of leaven

We have seen that kingdom of God is already established in the world. Luke 17:21, Pharisees asked when God’s kingdom comes and Jesus replies it is there in your midst. The complete establishment of the kingdom will be at the second coming of Jesus Christ. 

We also saw that Jesus explained about the kingdom of God through parables. Each parable is talking about some aspects of the kingdom of God. 

1st Parable: Parable of the sower: It talks about how the kingdom of God is established in the world and how people can be part of that kingdom eternally. 

2nd Parable: Parable of the wheat and weeds: This parable talks about how evil enter into this kingdom of God, when and how God will separate the weeds from the wheat. 

Today we will look into the 3rd and 4th parable about the kingdom of heaven from Matthew chapter 13. They are a parable of the mustard seed and the parable of the leaven. 

These two parables which we are discussing today are very short parables compared to the other ones and unlike other ones, we don’t see any explanation from Jesus Christ about these parables. He might have explained it to the disciples but we don't see their explanation in any of the 4 gospels. Because of that, we see so many different explanations of these parables by different commentators. Anyway, let’s read the parables.

From these two parables, I would like to share three things
o   Nature of the beginning of the kingdom of God
o   Nature of the growth of the kingdom of God
o   How the kingdom attains this extraordinary growth?

1.     Nature of the beginning of the kingdom of God (Parable of the mustard seed v31)

It all started with a tiny mustard seed. The mustard seed is known for its small size. It was common usage at that time - "As small as a mustard seed", "faith like a grain of mustard seed". 

The kingdom of God which is seen today had a very small beginning. It started with a man called Jesus Christ born in a small town brought up in a small town, not known till the age of 30, not learned under any well-known scholars or philosophers and finally died a shameful death on the cross.

When the Pharisees and high priests finally sealed the tomb they thought it is the end but it was only the beginning. 
Then came the apostles and his early disciples. Not the elite class of society. But rather common men, fishermen, not learned and well educated a few people, a handful of them. They were people who were afraid, people who had disbelief, they were weak. The Christian faith started with them. Humanly speaking, a very small beginning. 

When someone is building a kingdom, they will choose the best men and delegate the responsibilities. Nobody will choose people who are weak, people who uneducated for helping them in building the kingdom. Do you think Alexander the great will appoint weak, uneducated, and untrained people as his commanders and chiefs? They will all take the best men, best warriors, geniuses to aid them. But here look at beginning of the kingdom of God, with weak people - people who were least of all. Not too much in numbers. 

God's way of choosing the team: It’s a unique way of selection throughout the Bible. From the Old Testament, Joseph, Moses, David, Jeremiah, the Minor Prophets, selection of apostles. If you observe God's way of selection we see it’s unique. Instead of selecting the best people, he selects the weak and the foolish and makes them strong. The weak Joseph became strong; Moses became strong, look at David. He selects the weak vessels, mould them into stronger vessels. If he selects the strong, he makes sure that he will break it, makes it humble, and mould it again. Eg: Paul.

1 Co 1:27-29: God chose the foolish things that nobody can glory in God’s presence.

It’s a very comforting thought to us that we can be used by God. God can efficiently use us. We just need to be available for him to use. 

2.     Nature of the growth of the kingdom (Parable of the mustard seed v32)

We were seeing the nature of the beginning, the small and the tiny seed. It began with weak people. Now let’s look at the nature of the growth. 

The parable says the tiny the mustard seed grew and became a tree greater than the other garden plants. 
What do we see about the nature of the growth of the mustard plant? It was not a kind of growth according to the proportions of the size of the seed. It was not a kind of growth expected out of it. It grew and became larger than other garden plants. 

As I mentioned, this is a parable prophetic in nature. At the time of writing, the kingdom was small, a few handful of people and Jesus says that it will become bigger than all the others. Today look at Christianity, it has indeed become greater than all others. 30 % of the world today is Christians and second is Islam with 23 %. I am including all the people who profess to be Christians. The present kingdom of God includes all people who profess to be Christians both true and false ones. We get this idea from the previous parable. Devil has come and added the false ones along with the wheat and only at the end of times, good ones and bad ones will be separated. Also, there is one parable that coming next, which says the current kingdom of God, includes the good fishes and bad fishes, and at the end of ages, he will separate good and bad. 
So thinking from that point of view, the kingdom of God has become greater than all other religious systems from a very small beginning.
Unfavorable conditions for growth: Another thing which we can find about the nature of the growth is that it grew under very unfavorable circumstances. When you plant a seed, it also requires favorable circumstances to grow. But we see the growth of Christianity, under very bad conditions, right from birth, even now its suffering and getting persecuted. 

Nobody thought Christian faith will survive 100 years, Romans tried to destroy Christianity, Nero in whose time, Peter and Paul were killed, thought Christianity will end with that. But Christianity didn't perish under persecutions and it thrived under persecutions. 

Rest for other external elements (V32): Not only that it has grown, but grown to an extent to give protection and shelter for the birds, those which are external. What does this mean? People, who are not part of the kingdom are also enjoying the shelter and blessings of God’s kingdom?  Today from where most of the children are getting educated from? Christian schools. The college which was started to train pastors is now known as Harvard University (from where Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates are from). The college once started to teach theology and mathematics is now known as Cambridge University (Issac Newton and Stephen Hawkings(atheist)). Many people enjoy the benefits of many of the modern-day inventions. Christian scientists like Issac Newton, Micheal Faraday and Thomas Alva Edison are behind them. Today, where most of the patients are treated? Christian Hospitals. It’s the Christian gospel which changed the uncivilized, barbarians in Africa to normal people through David Livingstone. The society, who is not part of this kingdom, is also enjoying the benefits of this kingdom. They are the birds that found shelter in that mustard tree. When you look at God’s kingdom today you see this prophetic parable literally fulfilled.

3.     How did it have such a kind of growth?

  We have seen the nature of the beginning of God’s kingdom and the nature of the growth of God’s kingdom. We may wonder, how did it grow in such an extraordinary manner?
The answer to this question lies in the name of the kingdom. It’s called the kingdom of God.

·         It is God’s kingdom and he is the builder and the architect
·         God is building his kingdom not apart from us but through us (involving us)

God is the builder and architect: Firstly, it is God's kingdom and he is building it. God is the architect and the builder and he is using us to build His kingdom. All credits go to Him because he is the architect. Just like the wonderful buildings, the Taj Mahal, Great Wall of China, the pyramids of Egypt. When you see those buildings, nobody credits or glorifies the laborers who put the individual stones and lay it in the position which the architect tells. While building he will not know why I am keeping the stone in this manner, only after building he will know, this is the reason why I was asked to build like this. And in the end, you will all glorify the architect behind it for the beauty. Similarly, God is the architect of his kingdom, we are his workers. Being his laborers, we cannot build according to our design but need to adhere to the master design and plan by God. That's why we see certain building instructions from the architect that nobody builds with perishable things like gold or silver. Clear instructions not to touch the foundations again etc. That’s the reason why this kingdom still exists.

Even in unfavorable circumstances, the architect makes sure that construction still goes on. The only reason for the extraordinary growth of this kingdom even though the workers are very weak is because of God. Even though we need to do our work, it's God who makes things grow.

Mt 16:18 – I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail
1 Co 3:6 –Paul planted, Apollos watered but its God who makes things grow

It is God who directs which part needs more attention, it is he who decides which area to be built first, it is God who directs the workers where to lay the stones. 

We see Holy Spirit leading Philip to the Eunuch, leading Paul to Cornelius. Even now, we go to places for missions based on the leading of the Holy Spirit.

God is building his kingdom through us (How are we to act in this kingdom): The beauty of it is that He is building through us and not apart from us. So that we can be part of the program of God. It does not matter whether you are weak or capable; we just need to be available.

Firstly, I talked about the aspect of God, now about our role in building his kingdom. I will explain it through the next parable.

Parable of the leaven

This has to be thought along with the previous parable. This parable describes how the kingdom of God grows and influences the entire world. This parable explains how the kingdom of God attains this growth. This parable says how the kingdom of God grows is similar to a process called fermentation.

Leaven (Yeast): It is the small mustard seed or the small and weak people of the kingdom of God.
Flour: Represents the world. 
Process happening: The little yeast is fermenting the entire flour.

Small yeast can leaven the entire dough: As we have seen at the beginning of the kingdom of God. It’s the small amount of yeast that is influencing the complete flour. The small number of true Christians in the kingdom of God will influence the entire world. Yeast is a small microscopic organism. You can’t see it from outside. But that small organism grows by itself and works through the entire dough and leavens the entire flour. When yeast works, it reproduces and grows and works through the dough and leaven it. It is this bulk growth of this organism called yeast which leavens the flour. It’s a chain process. One person after hearing the gospel he believes gets transformed. This new believer shares gospel with another person, it works in him, he gets transformed and he in turn shares with another and so on. This is a chain reaction and goes on till the whole amount is leavened. 

Daniel 2:35 Habakkuk 2:14: Don’t know when it will be fulfilled but hints the comprehensive transformation.

Agents of change: In the process of fermentation, the change is happening within the yeast. One microorganism doubles into two and then so on. Similarly, a person who has accepted the gospel changes within. The gospel of grace transforms his heart and external actions flow from him.

The nature of yeast is to grow and to change whatever it contacts. When we accept Christ, His grace grows in our hearts and changes us from the inside out. As the gospel transforms lives, it exerts a pervasive influence in the world at large. As we “reflect the Lord's glory, [we] are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

4.     Conclusion

So we were discussing a new aspect of the kingdom of God regarding how it begins, and the nature of its growth (from the parable of the mustard seed), how this kingdom will exhibit extraordinary growth (from the parable of the leaven). The most important truth of this is that God is building his kingdom through weaker elements like us. It does not matter how weak you are, how small you begin. It is God who is going to complete the good works in us. God is the architect of this kingdom is building his kingdom not apart from us but through us. Every believer has a unique place in his kingdom and contributes to the growth of the kingdom. Are we like the leavening agents in this world? Transformed from within first and being the agents of change to whatever we touch? Are we being available for our Builder to finish his construction? Dear brothers and sisters, the whole world, is in front of us, a lot of potential and opportunities. Or do we want to limit our Christian faith to these four walls? We are God’s hands and feet. Let me conclude with a poem by a Catholic nun (Teresa).

Christ has no body no but yours.
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassionately on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours…

This is my question to you and me. Are we available to labor for his kingdom? Are we the hands and feet and the eyes of Jesus?

May God help us. 

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